Sam Kerr Thirst Trap TikToks Are Flooding Aussie FYPs & I Need To Know What She Thinks About It

With the FIFA Women’s World Cup officially donezo, it seems like Australia — the beautiful nation of the Matildas — has officially found a new collective crush. Goal scorer, back flip do-er and el Tillies Capitano Sam Kerr, and I am desperately needing to know what she thinks about the whole thing.

Working for PEDESTRIAN.TV and talking about the Women’s World Cup in the office, I knew that my feed was going to be 24/7 soccer. But instead of epic challenges, nutmegs, clean tackles or goals, it seems like my social media has been clogged with thirst edits of Matildas players. Mostly, Kerr.

And if you’ve never seen a TikTok fan edit/thirst trap edit, it’s basically a collection of videos or pics of a certain person that’s edited to a saucy beat. Kinda like a tribute video but with more ~je ne sais quoi~ if that makes sense.

At first, I thought it was just me that was consistently getting these highly edited TikTok fan videos. Literally, at one point, my feed was a BookTok vid, followed by two Kerr edits and then one of Mary Fowler and then another Kerr edit with Mackenzie Arnold.

However, the more I scrolled down, I discovered that most Aussies had their FYPs overrun with these thirsty AF vids.

The Tillies aren’t the only ones who are getting the fan cam thirst trap treatment right now. Over the weekend, AFL player Deven Robertson made headlines after his shirt was torn to shreds by a Collingwood player during a match. He then ended up ripping the whole jersey off and playing a couple of minutes half-nakey.

Since then, the Brisbane Lions player has received a butt load of new Instagram followers AND his very own plethora of thirst trap edits on TikTok.

As someone who’s really loving the sports fever that’s sweeping the nation, I think the videos are hilarious. It reminds me of Tumblr days when people would make posts about their celebrity crushes. Or when folks use to write “imagines” stories. IYKYK.

Also — not to get too deep here — as someone who has previously suppressed their sexuality, I think it’s nice that we can have an open conversation about who we are attracted to. But of course, in a tasteful manner that’s not harmful to the celeb.

At the end of the day, I think what really matters is what the celebs think about it, and I’d honestly pay a bunch of money to know what Sam or Deven thinks about their newfound fame.

If you’re reading this, please hit me up. I’m dying to know!!