Meet The Guy Singing The National Anthem At Tonight’s State Of Origin

State of Origin kicks off tonight at 8pm, but before we find out the score and whether or not it’ll be Karl Stefanovic or Tim Gilbert doing a nudie run tomorrow morning, the national anthem will be sung in all its advancing glory by Australian musical theatre’s golden boy, Josh Piterman.

“I was nervous when I first heard the news, but now I’m just excited,” Piterman told Pedestrian this morning. “The stadium’s going to be electric, there’s something like 85,000 people there, all singing the same song back to you. I don’t ever get to perform in front of 85,000 people, let alone have them sing along with me.”

Listen to him sing ‘Maria’ from West Side Story HERE, and tell us you’re not a little bit excited to hear him bust out some Advance Australia Fair tonight.

And despite being “Melbourne through-and-through”, he’ll be supporting the Blues tonight (soz QLD). We’ve got Today FM to thank for that: early this morning he told them he was easily swayed to either team, they screamed BLUUUUES at him, and now he’s another fan looking forward to seeing them crushingly defeat the Maroons. (Stay with me here people.)

“Ask me to do anything at 7am in the morning and I’ll do it,” he said. Noted.

V/O Troy MacClure: You may remember Pickerman from such musicals as West Side Story, An Officer and A Gentlemen, and Grease 2.

And now he’s just been announced as the first cast member for the Australian tour of Cats the Musical, opening in October. “I’m not allowed to say which role,” he says, but jokingly assures us “it’s a good role.”

“I saw the musical when I was younger, and I was like, I want to play that guy – or that cat. It’s cool that now I get to.”

And how do we put this delicately: he’s also ripped AF. Swole. Body of an Adonis. Looks like he should be on the field, tbh. He’s a Master Functional Trainer (add that to your resume and smoke it) who also owns a functional fitness gym (codename: PITFIT) for performers / actors / dancers / slashies who need to be fit for gruelling stage work.

I mean, c’mon.

Lovin life!! #pitfit

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Oh FYI his Zoolander impressions are on point, too:

All time favourite movie #canturnleft #ambiturner #dumbsmashsession

A video posted by joshpiterman (@joshpiterman) on

Mermaaaan!!! #zoolander

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Before you get any thoughts of casually swinging by his gym / how you’re going to up your dating game in competition, stop. He legit married his high school sweetheart – they’re coming up to five years as husband and wifey. 

“We’ve known each other since we were 13 or 14,” he says. “You gotta hold on to the good ones.”

Stop it. We can’t deal.