A TikToker Is Urgently Warning Folks To Never Put Bullet Vibrators In Their Ass After A Mishap

tiktok bullet vibrator onlyfans stuck

Sometimes all a girl wants to do is go full feral Kirby mode and absorb everything and anyone into their hole. However, one must be wary of using a bullet vibrator in their back nether region, as it might just get stuck there, as showcased by this TikToker.

TikToker and OnlyFans content creator Char (@babycharlotte1) went hyper viral online after she posted a video warning folks to not stick a bullet vibrator up their bootyholes. In the video, you can… umm… hear the vibrator still buzzing inside of her as she begs her viewers to not repeat her mistake.

“This is a PSA. Do not put those little bullet vibes anywhere in the back region because I am currently about to head off to A&E (accident and emergency) because one is stuck in mine,” she said in the viral TikTok.

“This is going to be very embarrassing.”

Immediately commenters rushed to the vid with their burning questions, like why couldn’t she have waited for the battery to die and then just… poop it out.

According to Char, the vibrator was stuck in sideways so that would not be achievable.

“If it doesn’t have a base, it cannot enter that place!!” wrote one commenter.

“I really miss the days when people wrote stuff in their diary,” wrote another.

“I worked in an ER for 4 years, this happens A LOT! Like weekly,” wrote a third.

In a follow-up vid, Char revealed she is now safe and has learnt her lesson.

“It’s out, I’m a free woman, I’m no longer buzzing,” she said.

“I love that they put it in a hazard bag for me. I’m actually surprised that they gave it back but I guess it is mine so, makes sense.

“Safe to say I’m never putting anything without a flared base back there ever again, lesson learned.”

Char also revealed the entire awkward situation was for a piece of content, and so the entire scenario of her getting the vibrator stuck inside her is on film. That footage will not be released.

So, unless it has a flared base to stop it from being sucked up into your never ending insides, don’t shove it up there!

To everyone buzzing while reading this article, please ensure the source of said buzzing is either an infestation of bees or a vibrator with a flared base. Good vibes only.