Your Skincare Routine Should Change In Your 20s Vs 30s Vs 40s — Here’s Exactly How

I recently got images of my skin taken by a dermatologist and let me just say, the results were… confronting.

The pros? My skin’s age is 26 (reader, my biological age is 28) and I have a more even skin texture than my peers (thank you, AHA exfoliant). 

The cons? I have a higher percentage of under-eye wrinkles than others my age. OOP.

Look, there’s nothing wrong with wrinkles and ageing. It’s better than the alternative, for sure. The dermatologist also said it’s most likely dehydration (gimme the eye cream, stat) but, it was the first time I’ve actually thought about my skin ageing – and how to slow it down. 

While my current routine may have worked for my early-to-mid-twenties, it got me thinking about how our skincare routines should evolve as we enter each new decade. Read on for some tips on evolving your skincare as you age.


Welcome to your twenties. While you may have grown out of teenage acne, for some people, hormonal changes post-puberty can cause painful cystic spots. Yes, even into your twenties. 

While there are many causes for adult acne, seeing a dermatologist can help you understand why you may be experiencing it, as well assist in building a personalised skincare routine. Whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin, finding the correct cleanser, toner and moisturiser is important in building the foundations of a strong skincare routine in your twenties. 

It can be tempting to experiment with many acids as you learn more about skincare and one you could begin implementing into your routine in your twenties is hyaluronic acid. This ingredient has been shown to boost the skin’s moisture (which is important at any age) and can help to slow down the dryness that can lead to the signs of ageing. 

Products such as the NIVEA Cellular Filler Serum, Day Cream and Night Cream can plump the skin, moisturise deeply and restore any bounce that’s lost through lifestyle factors in your twenties. 

This could include partying, not getting enough sleep, and skipping nutritionally-dense meals. Hello, uni life. 

It’s the combination of micro and macro hyaluronic acids and folic acid that can help to keep skin in your twenties hydrated and prepared for when your collagen begins to naturally decline at the tail-end of the decade. 


Welcome to your thirties! As well as your collagen stores beginning to decrease, the sun exposure you enjoyed in your youth can often catch up with you in your third decade. SPF usage is important, folks.

This could show up as hyperpigmentation, volume loss and an increase in wrinkles. Make sure you add some moisturiser on underneath to really lock in that hydration. In terms of skincare routines, it’s recommended to continue with the basics you formed in your twenties but begin to add in some more acids and anti-ageing products. 

Products containing Vitamin C or E can help with the exposure to environmental pollutants that impact our skin just by ~existing~, while retinols can help with skin texture, including the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 


I’ve heard your forties are like your twenties but with more money, so, slay. 

Due to hormonal changes and just… life, your skin may show more signs of ageing as you enter your fourth decade. Common issues include a decrease in oil production (meaning your skin looks and feels dry) plus, it’s harder for your skin to recover from lifestyle factors the way it once did. 

Products like NIVEA’s Cellular Lift range can be a good choice to incorporate into your routine. The range can help to even skin tone, as well as improve firmness, elasticity and wrinkle appearance. You can use the serum, followed by a day or night cream to help lock in the active ingredients such as bakuchiol (a plant-based retinol alternative). A high-quality night cream is super important when in your forties as your skin will lap up the nutrients while you get your beauty sleep.

As we grow and change, it’s important our skincare is changing with us. Each decade can bring its own challenges and you want skin that helps you to look and feel your best.

Unsure what product is best for you? Take our quick quiz to see what you’re missing from your bathroom cabinet. The best 200 entrants will score some free NIVEA products. You’ll also be in with a chance to win a NIVEA gift pack (valued at $290) and a $1k Prezzee Voucher. Sounds like a good chance to invest even more in your self-care routines, am I right?! See the T&Cs here.