WATCH: HBO Trailer For Weed-Dealin’ Cult Series ‘High Maintenance’ Is Here

In the beginning ‘High Maintenance‘ was a simple web series, and was even credited by one critic as being “the best television show not on television”.  
Created by husband/wife duo Katja Blichfeld and Ben Sinclair, the show got snapped up by HBO and now it’s newly-spruced new episodes are about to debut on the pot-friendly channel. 
ICYMI, ‘High Maintenance‘ centres around a weed delivery guy (Sinclair) in New York City, and explores the relationship between him and each patron in his diverse clientele. 
The series only played on Vimeo up until earlier this year, and amassed a dedicated cult following. HBO are known for picking up amazing-but-small time shows at their roots, helping develop them then introducing them to huge audiences. 
And High Maintenance seems to following this exact same path:
“We have been growing this show organically for three years now, and we are elated to bring it into full maturity at HBO, the gold standard of both online and televised entertainment,” said Sinclair and Blichfield in a joint statement. 
Watch the trailer for the show’s HBO debut:
Plus, HBO – the adorable buggers they are – purchased the rights to the series on  April 20 (~blaze it~) this year, and immediately ordered 6 fresh episodes. NICE. 
Source: Youtube. 
Photo: High Maintenance.