Trump Lobbied For Peace By Showing Kim Jong-Un A Fake Movie Trailer On An iPad

This honestly sounds so fucking nuts that there’s no way it could possibly be true but, trust me, I have just checked a whole bunch of different places and it sure seems like it is: Donald Trump had a fake movie trailer made up so he could show Kim Jong-un how sick peace would be.

Reporters first got a look at this absolutely batshit 4-minute video when it was played just before Trump emerged after the Singapore summit to answer questions. In extraordinarily condescending terms, it lays out how North Korea has a choice between a decadent, peaceful future full of speedboats or one where they starve to death.

I really need to stress that isn’t just a video vaguely reminiscent of a movie trailer, it is quite literally a fake movie trailer – with a fake studio name (‘Destiny Pictures‘) and everything – for a movie where Trump and Kim are the protagonists:

In the press conference, Trump says that he got Jong-un to watch it on a cassette, er… iPad:

I showed it to him today, actually, during in meeting, towards the end of the meeting and I think he loved it. We didn’t have a big screen like you have the luxury of having, we didn’t need it because we had it on a cassette, an iPad, and they played it and about eight of their representatives were watching it and I thought they were fascinated by it.

I thought it was well done, I showed it to you because that’s the future, I mean, that could very well be the future. The other alternative is just not a very good alternative, it’s just not good.

But I showed it because I really want him to do something.

I dare you to even trying to imagine Kim staring in confusion at this insane video on an iPad while Trump watches and nods his head enthusiastically. What the fuck is this. What the fuck is any of this.

Side note: for some reason, there’s a solitary flash of a still image of Trump hanging out in the White House with Sylvester Stallone when the voice over guy says ‘respect’ near the end. I guess that’s what respect is: hanging out with Rambo (?).