A Horror Car Crash In Sydney’s Northern Beaches Has Left A Teenager Dead & 5 More Injured

a car crash in sydney's northern beaches

A ute has slammed into a tree in the Northern Beaches suburb of Bayview, killing one person and injuring five more.

“The 17-year-old red P-plate driver was airlifted to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital,” NSW Police said in a statement per Nine News.

He has since been in a stable condition, albeit a critical one per the Sydney Morning Herald.

The vehicle was carrying six others, all boys aged either 16 or 17.

After the incident, they were all taken to different hospitals across the city.

The 16-year-old who was sitting in the front passenger seat died shortly after arriving at the hospital.

People from the local community have begun to lay flowers at the crash site in honour of the boy who perished.

“They’re all friends, which certainly makes it more difficult for the families,” “We don’t believe there’s any further life-threatening injuries at this stage,” Northern Beaches Police Area Command Detective Superintendent Patrick Sharkey said per the ABC.

“It’s a very traumatic situation for all parties involved.”

According to Sharkey the car was only equipped with five seatbelts and there were six people on board.

“It appears that two of the occupants had been ejected from the vehicle,” he added.

The Toyota Hilux was left without a front windscreen and its front bonnet up-ended after the incident.

Credit: Nine.

“I would appeal for all drivers, particularly young and inexperienced drivers, to simply obey the road rules,” Sharkey pleaded.

They’re there for a reason. Drive with due care and consideration to the right conditions that prevailed at the time.”

According to NSW law, drivers on their red P-plates may only take one passenger who is under the age of 21.

NSW Police is appealing for any witnesses who saw the incident or any who may have dash cam footage of the crash to phone Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Header image credit: Nine.