Bill Shorten’s Speech Writer Was Paid $300K A Year & Oi Bill I’ll Do It For Half That

In a shocking reveal to Senate estimates, a professional speechwriter who wrote for Minister for Government Services Bill Shorten was found to have been paid more than $600,000 over two years. This makes them one of the highest-paid people in Parliament, all at the expense of the taxpayer.

Shorten has attempted to separate himself from the scandal, telling A Current Affair on June 3 that he had “no idea” what the speechwriter was being paid that much, and that it was Services Australia who was in charge of the hiring.

So if you’re trying to link me to that, you know, good luck,” said Shorten.

“The person involved, who is a speechwriter, does a very good job. I’m not responsible for negotiating a contract.”

(Photo by Stefan Postles/Getty Images)

Bill Shorten dismissed the entire attack as a “cheap” tactic from the Liberals.

TBH Bill, I would avoid using words like “cheap” when discussing a $600K contract. Although maybe that’s the sort of advice you paid so highly for.

Services Australia questioned in Senate estimates

When being grilled on the astoundingly high pay cheque by Liberal senators Linda Reynolds and Maria Kovacic, Services Australia deputy chief executive officer Susie Smith told the Senate that the speechwriter was on a contract worth $300K a year.

The speechwriter, Juliane Stewart, was previously a speechwriter for servals former prime ministers including Malcolm Turnbull, Tony Abbott, Julia Gillard, and Kevin Rudd.

“It was a one-year contract with Ms. Stewart. The contract had an option of a 12-month extension which was exercised, and so the $600,000 you quoted is the sum of the two years for Ms Stewart,” explained Smith.

“We are clearly in the wrong business,” retorted Reynolds.

Smith clarified for the Senate that despite the fact there was capability within the department — IE over 200 media and communications employees available — Services Australia still chose to hire externally for the role.

Smith also confirmed that most other members of the department were paid approximately $140K a year, meaning that the speechwriter was paid more than double what anyone else was.

Which is why I have a proposal.

The following cover letter is for Bill Shorten’s eyes only

Dear Bill Shorten and Services Australia hiring managers,

When I was in Year 6 I went to state for public speaking. I think that makes me pretty good at words, and highly qualified for this job.

I may not be able to produce works of pathos that stir a nation like Martin Luther King Jr, or Ted Lasso at halftime.

But do you want dumb Gen Z lingo like “simp” included in your speeches, Bill? Do you want to say “shit show” on the ABC again? Do you want to let out the chaotic animal within you and show Australia the real Bill?

Well you’re in luck, because all that stuff, I can help you with. I’ll get you referencing way more pop-culture than just Squid Game.

And I’ll be damned if I ever contract you $600K over two years for the garbage I write for you.

Best of all: As a mate’s rate, I’ll do it for half. Just for you. No need to thank me.

Bill, if you like the sound of what I’m putting down, DM me.

Sincerely, your future (less expensive) speechwriter.