All The In-Your-Face Gear Needed To Make Your Humble PC Visible From Space

It’s clear that gamers don’t just want performance – although that is obviously the number one aspect. But they also want their rig to actually look as impressive as it is on the inside.

Imagine, if you will, that I bestowed upon you a cheeky $1000 to get the loudest, boldest, most in-your-face gaming set-up that you could find. Just hypothetically speaking.

What would you get? These four flashy lil’ items are a good starting point.

Flashing lights and colour are key

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Look, if there’s one thing you’ve probably noticed about the gaming world lately, it’s that we all seem to be obsessed with colour. You can’t go browsing the gaming laptop section of a store without being inundated with flashing lights – and don’t even get me started on the show floor at big gaming events like PAX Australia.

Whether it’s coloured hardware or an onslaught of RGB lights, you want your rig to look as though a rainbow collided with a glow stick and a disco ball, all at once. Or just give off a super ominous glow with everything matching… Whatever takes your fancy.

Custom neon water loop

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If you’re serious about your build and want to take the colours to the next level, incorporating it in with a custom water loop is definitely an option. This is the most labour-intensive item on the list, but it’s so worth it.

Don’t get me wrong: this is gonna set you back most of your budget depending on how intricate you go in for. Still, the opportunity to have a neon gradient cooling system is pretty damn appealing if you ask me.

Tempered glass window case

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You’ve upgraded everything to the point where you want to just show it the heck off – so obviously the most important step there is to make sure it’s not all hidden behind a standard black case. Where is the fun in that?

Tempered glass windows show off all your hard work and give those custom water loops a chance to be seen – because really, there’s no use having them there if it’s all hidden.

Multiple 4K monitors

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If you want your PC visible from Jupiter then one measly screen just simply won’t suffice, now will it? Especially not if it’s a low resolution. No matter how big that one screen is, it’s not as exciting as a dual 4K monitor set-up.

Got a lot of stuff to fit on your desk? Haven’t Marie Kondo-ed up your cables yet? Take the first step by propping your monitors up in the air on a moveable arm – you can even have one of ’em vertical if you like to scroll through social media mid-game (or like to look up hints when you get stuck – no judgement).

And hey, it turns out we weren’t being quite so hypothetical with floating you that $1000. To celebrate the new $2 Instant Scratch-Its Live The Life ticket, we’re slinging you $1000 a week – the same prize if you win the big boi on that ticket (you can buy ’em at your local newsagent if you wanna take on the odds). Check it out HERE.

This week you’ve told us you’d throw your extra $1K at A VR Set Up, but you could totally upgrade your PC rig to something brighter than the sun in no time flat.

Then ya know, you’ve just gotta be able to play.

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At PEDESTRIAN.TV, we independently choose and write about stuff we love and think you’ll froth too. We have affiliate partnerships so we might get a bit of money from any purchase you make based on our recs, cool? Cool. FYI – prices are accurate and items in stock at the time of posting.