Magda Szubanski Has Brought Back Sharon Strzelecki One More Time In Hilarious New Google Ad

Australia’s favourite volunteer substitute assistant netball umpire Sharon Strzelecki of Kath & Kim fame is back! In a new promo for Google Ads featuring Magda Szubanski‘s iconic character, Sharon has returned with a new hustle. Somebody break out the BBQ shapes and Baileys to celebrate.

To show how easy it is to use Google Ads, accident-prone queen Sharon has graced our screens in the hilarious new sketch where she uses the online tool to spread their word about her new enterprise: a hair salon called “Bowled & Beautiful”.

Are you tired of going to a barber or hair salon and having to choose from the unlimited range of haircuts? Don’t you wish there was a store where you only had to make one bowled decision? Do you want a haircut that will draw more attention than shouting “look at moii”?

Then Sharon Strzelecki’s Bowled & Beautiful is the place to head for your next trim.

Source: Supplied.

Known for her iconic bowl cut hairdo, Sharon’s stylish new Fountain Lakes-based store offers her clientele only the best in Strzelecki-approved bowl cuts.

Some of the smexy new looks you can choose from at Bowled & Beautiful include:

  • The Fruit Bowl.
  • The Signature Bowl Cut — Shazza’s favourite!
  • The Salad Bowl.
  • The Cosmopolitan.
  • The Bowl and Spoon.
  • The Ramekin — for the edgy and fashion forward types.

Charli XCX blessed us with her new album, so it pains me to say but … BRAT summer is over, BOWL summer has begun.

Despite a shaky start to her “entre-preneurial” endeavour, after having a crack with Google Ads’ simple to use AI-powered tools, Sharon’s business is has been hit for six!

“Let’s be honest, if Sharon Strzelecki can do it, youse can too,” Magda Szubanski wrote on social media.

Shazza says she’s seen a massive uptick in sales since using the ad platform, and has been able to bless more customers with a bowl cut of their own. Some of which included famous Aussies such as David Koch, and Shazza’s icon, cricketer Adam Gilchrist.

Szubanski shared that she was thrilled to be able to revive her beloved comedy character in a way that made sure to stick to the spirit of Shazza.

“Shaz is a very special character and I wanted to ensure that her evolution into a business owner was true to her spirit as an everyday Aussie who is giving it her best crack,” said the comedian.

“Working with Emotive and Google across long form content ensured that we could tell an authentic story. The fact that Shaz is helping her fellow entre-prenuers … well I think that’s exactly the type of person she is!”

Since her last appearance in Kath & Kim, Sharon has been revived for other campaigns before including a PSA about the COVID-19 lockdown, and an Uber Eats ad alongside Kim Kardashian. Talk about range.

You can find out more about Sharon’s dive into the business world at her very own (very real) website here. Onya Shazza, good to have you back.

[Image: Supplied]