MasterChef AU’s Latest Pressure Test Resulted In Dishes That Looked Like Literal Shit — Let’s Discuss

Another day, another episode of MasterChef Australia. While the beloved reality series usually has us salivating from the couch, the results achieved by the contestants on Tuesday night’s episode resemble what happens after you chew and digest. Oh, I’ll just spit it out. The dishes look like literal shit. Let’s discuss.

To be totally fair, the challenge dished out by Vou De Monde executive chef and acclaimed prodigy Hugh Allen certainly wasn’t a walk in the park. He rocked up with a dessert that looked so much like a Banksia pod that I could’ve swapped it for one I plucked off a tree and you wouldn’t know until you tried to take a chomp.

But really, the organic-looking sweet treat was made out of macadamia and wattle seed mouse, an espresso gel with a chocolate and macadamia base that had been airbrushed. Then, the leaves were made out of tuile (AKA a wafer) and the stick is a chocolate caramel creation. YUM!

“It looks so real,” judge and noted babygirl Andy Allen exclaimed, staring at Hugh’s creation.

Naturally, the bottom three — Alex, Pezza and Savindri — were shitting bricks but with their safety in the competition on the line, they had no choice but to get cracking.

While all three contestants did a wonderful job under the intense circumstances, audiences at home couldn’t help but notice that the final results had more resemblance to a dookie than a Banksia.

First up, was Pezza. He was very stoked with his creation — and has a butcher who isn’t used to this kind of dessert stuff — I think he should be. But if you haven’t already clocked it, the stick admittedly does look like something that my dog Hank would produce on a walk.

“These stems are like the Bristol Stool Chart, “one Reddit user wrote.

“This is an actual turd. Pezza is literally polishing a turd,” said another.

But Pezza wasn’t the only contestant fighting the shit allegations.

Alex was next up, tearfully displaying her creation to the judges. While they loved the perfectly tempered chocolate, it lacked espresso gel and had some grainy gelatin. Bummer!

Finally, it was Savindri’s turn to present her Banksia pod to the gang. Again, she fell prey to dookie-comparisons online too. Like Pezza, it was most likely due to the turd-like stick.

“WHY DOES ALL THE MASTERCHEF FOOD THIS WEEK LOOK LIKE LITERAL SHIT,” said a Redditor. Well, I think we can agree they’ve got a point there.

But look, I’m not trying to be a dick. I promise. I think they’re all incredibly talented and did the best they could under immense pressure. If I was under that kind of pressure I’d simply burst into flames. Even previous guest judge Nagi Maehashi admitted that she couldn’t do what the contestants do.

Ultimately it was Alex who was sent home for her log Banksia. I’ll miss her bubbly personality on our screens.