MAFS Fans Are Frothing Lucinda & Timothy’s ‘Bullshit Investigators’ Letter For Tori And Jack

Married At First Sight‘s (MAFS) Lucinda and Timothy have been praised for that “no bullshit” letter they handed to Tori and Jack. Alexa, please play “My Hero” by the Foo Fighters.

IDK about the rest of y’all, but the ending to Tuesday night’s episode was bloody terrific. Lucinda and Timothy’s bit was extremely reminiscent of Snooki, JWOWW and the infamous note, which they wrote to Sammi on Jersey Shore, back when reality TV was truuuly trashy.

For folks who want a summary of what went down, how the letter was manifested into a real thing, and how Tori and Jack reacted, here’s what happened.

Back at Sydney Skye Suites, Lucinda and Timothy decided to get back at Tori and Jack after the controversial groom said he didn’t believe in their marriage.

So, to fire back at the two, the pair decided to type up a letter as the “bullshit investigators”, where they called out Tori and Jack and challenged the groom to call his ex — who he had mentioned at the first dinner party.

The pair then rolled around the hallways of the hotel, James Bond / Mission: Impossible style, before sliding the note under their door and pulling a knock and run on the controversial pair.

Tori picked up the letter and began to read it to her reality TV hubby. The letter contained two main things: A) why they haven’t had sex and B) Jack’s ex he allegedly broke up with before joining Married at First Sight.

The letter ended with a task for the pair.

“Our task for you both this week is to invite [Jack’s ex] to do a three-way conversation between her, Jack and Tori, and come clean on what you have been dragging her through without you knowing it [sic],” Tori read out loud.

(Image source: Nine)

Immediately after reading the whole letter, the pair began to speculate who slid it under their door. They also began to vent their anger with the author of the note.

Tori then clapped back at the bullshit investigators by writing a heated message on the back of the note, instructing them to go “fuck [themselves] respectfully”.

(Image source: Nine)

Of course, with how wild the side story was, people came through with their best reactions on X.

Here are the best reactions to Lucinda and Timothy’s “Bullshit Investigators” note to Jack and Tori

And you know what the best part is about this whole gag? They don’t think it’s Lucinda and Timothy who did it. LOL.

(Image source: Nine)

Wednesday night’s episode is gonna be so bloody juicy. Consider me sat for that dinner party!