MAFS’ Lucinda And Her Delightfully Cheeky Side Is My Newest Obsession

I don’t know about y’all, but I’m seriously obsessed with Lucinda and her politely shady behaviour this whole week.

Married At First Sight (MAFS) is one of those reality TV shows that can definitely bring the good, the bad and/or the ugly out of its participants.

However, this time around, it seems like the experiment has pulled out the shady in Mama Lu (with the help of her reality TV hubby Timothy).

(Image source: Nine)

For context: In the last couple of episodes, Lucinda and Timothy have been quite cheeky with their interactions with the other participants.

Most notably, Lu and Timothy decided to call out Tori and Jack via a scathing anonymous letter. The “Bullshit Investigators” note basically visited the allegation that Jack broke up with an ex for the show, and the controversial pair’s lack of bow-chicka-wow-wow time.

It was deliciously petty.

However, the best part was definitely watching Lucinda explore this truly chaotic side of her personality. It’s almost like watching World’s Strictest Parents but this time, it’s the mama and papa’s who are doing naughty things.

Lucinda’s baddie persona was amplified on Wednesday night’s episode when TImothy and she were giggling over the secret letter, as well as just being flirty with each other!!! Love this for them, even though they’re bonding over PURE anarchy.

Like, just look at them:

(Image source: Nine)

Anyway, it seems that a lot of viewers are loving this new look on Lucinda. Especially because she was definitely — well for me, personally — Lucinda was giving Mother Earth, voice of reason vibes at the start of Season 11.

So naturally, seeing this flipside to her personality is just awesome. Also, we love a gal who’s versatile!

Here are the best reactions to Lucinda showing off her cheeky side on Married At First Sight

Although some folks reckon they’re just friends, IDC. This is one friendship, relationship, situationship I want to see grow beyond the show!!!