Mad Men Season 5 Still A Year Away

Those in dire need of a Don Draper fix – and reassurance that heavy smoking and scotch drinking facilitates awesome ideas – will have to wait until early 2012.

AMC have finally announced a due date for the fifth season of Mad Men which will pick up where it left off – portraying Don as borderline insane after a lickety-split engagement to his secretary Megan.

This will be the longest gap between any season of Mad Men, which could be perilous for producers – given the recent success of HBO’s Board Walk Empire, which transports viewers even further into the past, with an astute depiction of 1920s fashion to boot.

Fans have further cause for concern however, after Deadline reported three troubling reasons for the show’s delay: “…we hear that he [Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner] is objecting to three things AMC/Lionsgate are asking for: integrating product placement into the series, cutting 2 minutes from each episode’s running time in favor of more commercials and eliminating/reducing two regular cast members to save money. Weiner is resisting all of the above.”

Is it possible to remove two of the major characters? Bertram Cooper – who I just realised bears a striking resemblance to Lou Carpenter – is an obvious choice given his age, while Betty Draper has become a bit of a dead-weight and takes out our number two spot. If it came to it, which character could you live without?