Lily Allen Is Selling Feet Pics On OnlyFans For $10 A Pop After Her Lil Piggies Went Viral

Lily Allen feet pics foot videos onlyfans la dolce feeta

Lily Allen is busy giggling and kicking her feet all the way to the bank. The British singer has joined OnlyFans specifically to sell feet pics after getting rave reviews on the foot-ranking website WikiFeet. We love an entrepreneurial queen!

She spruiked her new OnlyFans account on her Instagram Story, showing off a fresh black pedicure from a trip to Italy. A carefully placed heart sticker covered the goods, meaning fans have to subscribe to see the full video. 

For those looking, her OnlyFans account is @lilyallenftse500 and her new venture is affordable at just $10 USD a month. 

“Just here for the shoes,” her bio reads, with a link to her official Instagram account. It also appears to be a place for her to indulge in foot puns, with captions like “La Dolce Feeta!” and “sole trader” accompanying the snaps. 

Since her launch, she’s uploaded four photos and six videos, so her feet fans are being fed very well indeed. 

The “Smile” singer recently talked about her famous feet on her podcast Miss Me? A couple of weeks ago. 

“I have a lady who comes and does my nails and they informed me that I have five stars on WikiFeet, which is quite rare,” she said. 

“My feet are rated quite highly on the internet.”

Apparently, we can thank Khloé Kardashian for planting the seed in Allen’s mind, as she told the singer she “could make a lot of money from selling foot content on OnlyFans.”

When her co-host Miquita Oliver asked if she’d ditch the podcast for OnlyFans, Allen simply said, “Yeah”. 

I checked out her WikiFeet page as part of my Very Serious Journalism Job and it’s true! According to her five-star ranking on the website, she has beautiful feet. 

Her feet have been described as “world-class”, “top tier” and “thick”. One declared that she has “the most perfect toes”, so I’m guessing that’s an easy $10 for Allen right there. 

Hoping our WikiFeet queen manages to make a fortune from her perfect toes. She deserves it!

Feature image: Instagram @lilyallen, Getty, OnlyFans @lilyallenftse500