Jason Schwartzman For Band Of Outsiders

I have a confession to make, I loved “California” by Phantom Planet. There I said it. And not even ironically or as a semi-serious guilty pleasure, I earnestly, wholeheartedly fucking loved that track. In my defence A) I was 15 at the time and B) OC-mania was fucking inescapable – but still, I flogged that saccharine tripe to death.

And beyond soundtracking a teen drama I lost countless hours and brain cells to, in retrospect, its appeal was due to two things; its infectiously optimistic hooks and the fact that California’s palm tree lined boulevards were the polar opposite of my home in backwater Northern NSW.

Why am I telling you this? Well now I think about it, my man-crush (or unrequited bromance if you will) with the multi-talented Jason Schwartzman predates my discovery of Wes Anderson’s back catalogue and thought that’s neither particular interesting or relevant, it certainly helps explain why I genuinely like a dude I’ve never met.

Anyway, based on his recent extra-curricular activities I have a theory that Jason Schwartzman is slowly morphing into Max Fischer, the protagonist that first introduced him to cinema audiences everywhere. This year alone he’s voiced a character in the upcoming Wes Anderson stop animation flick Fantastic Mr. Fox, starred in a viral video that was actually funny, been named one of America’s most stylish men, put out music under his Coconut Records moniker, filmed a promo video for Opening Ceremony’s Tokyo launch and netted the lead role in Bored To Death a new HBO Comedy about a Brooklyn based writer turned sleuth. Add to that the below look book shoot for the masters of preppy-chic, Band Of Outsiders, and it wouldn’t surprise me if three weeks from now Schwartzman engaged Bill Murray in a potentially fatal game of one-upmanship.

Check out the sun drenched Polaroids, endearingly coy Schwartzman and Band Of Outsiders’ classic American wares below via Fashionisto

*This post is actually about Jason Schwartzman not Band Of Outsiders – this was not by initial intent.