Ada Nicodemou Drops Her First Interview Post James Stewart Kiss And The Subtle Hints Are Real

ada nicodemou james stewart

Ada Nicodemou has broken her silence since being spotted tongue jousting her Home and Away co-star James Stewart. While her message to the people wasn’t exactly about her blossoming relationship with Stewart, it was still a nice look into where her life is at right now.

In case you’re not up to date with the happenings on Ramsay Street’s hotter and sexier counterpart, Summer Bay, Nicodemou and Stewart, who play Leah and Justin respectively, recently tied the knot on the telly. Turns out this fiery on-screen relo was just so powerful it continued off-set as well. Avert your eyes, Alf!

The Home and Away co-stars were spotted on a very public date by New Idea on April 25. This is the same date where pics of the couple snogging like there was no tomorrow seemingly confirmed something was going on between the pair. Maybe they’re just really really close friends?

Neither party has spoken about this relationship publicly, and they still haven’t, but Nicodemou dropped some subtle hints as to where she’s headed in life in a column she wrote for Stellar Magazine on Mother’s Day.

In her article, Ada Nicodemou wrote about motherhood, and how her new life goal is “to embrace the beauty of imperfection, understanding that my best effort is always good enough.”

“The pursuit of perfection in motherhood is a mirage,” she wrote, which is also what I text my besties after a night out where they all scatter from my protection.

“What truly matters is the happiness and love we share. Johnas [her son with first ex-husband Chrys Xipolitas] doesn’t need the flawless, unblemished version of me; he needs the real, joyful, sometimes frazzled me, who chuckles at the nickname ‘Joan Ass’ and can turn a morning drop-off into an impromptu concert.”

There’s something about “unblemished”, “real” and “joyful” that hints towards a real most-divorce happiness she’s tapped into. It’s giving Eat, Pray, Love… it’s giving The First Wives Club. And who knows, perhaps that happiness is aided by her new man James Stewart?

I’m not surprised the pair aren’t straight-up telling the press they’re in a relationship TBH. They’re enjoying this new thing that’s growing and seeing where it goes, and they KNOW we KNOW they’re sucking face outside the Royal Hotel in Randwick, so what’s the point in confirming it right now?